Wednesday, 30 June 2010


After carrying out both preliminary tasks I realized that my strongest and most enjoyable task was creating a magazine cover and contents page, rather than making a short video. Being a creative person I preferred the magazine task as it allowed me to be more creative with programmes that are new to me. It allowed me to take and edit photos and learn new skills to do with media, that I can also apply to my other subjects; and I believe that this is the perfect opportunity to experiment more with this programme.

To complete my video preliminary task I recorded some short clips using a video camera. Once I had recorded all the footage that I needed, I then uploaded my clips and merged them together, using the program iMovie. After I cut and edited my work, making some of my clips shorter. I found this task rather simple, but when it came to creating my magazine I found this more challenging. Although through the process of making my video was the first time that I used iMovie, it was a lot easier then using the program Photoshop for the first time.

After completing both of my preliminary tasks I was more satisfied with my magazine task rather than my video. I believe that

my video task was too basic and if we had more time we would defiantly need to redo it. Within my magazine task I preferred my contents page to my home page as it looked more professional I think that I met the original brief well and to the best of my ability. I included four main photos, appropriately laid out text and a masthead for my magazine. For my video I also stuck to the brief as I included a match on action shot, shot/reverse and didn’t break the 180 degree rule. After completing both tasks I feel satisfied with my magazine cover and contents page but not with my video. I spent more time on my first task and not enough of my second, therefore resulting in an unequal balance of effort that has been put into both tasks.

For my coursework I feel that I am more likely to choose the magazine task rather than the video as I have proved to myself that I a much stronger in this area. When approaching my main coursework I will change many things about my magazine preliminary. I will firstly plan my front cover and my contents page in detail so that I have a rough idea of where to start and what to do. I will also look research existing music magazines to gain inspiration and ideas to make my magazine look as professional and realistic as possible.